1997年PSM2200 相位增益分析儀作為N4L.牛頓科技公司的第一代頻率特性測試產品有過輝煌的曾經,在問世之初的頻率特性測試測量領域,工程師當初只能借助昂貴的網絡分析儀產品來測量低頻率的放大器、濾波器、開關電源環路等應用,而重要的操作復雜,應用率低。
PSM2200相位增益分析儀 設計是按19寸的機柜自動化儀器嵌入式設計,隨著電源與低頻率頻率響應應用市場的發展,工程師更希望單機便攜式設計以提升測試的綜合效率,而PSM2200 設計卻顯老化不太適應市場需求。
N4L 公司革新產品PSM3750 應運而生,這款產品是N4L革命性的創新產品,頻率達50MHZ,測試耐壓高達500V,同時支持阻抗分析等功能,具備性價比與競爭優勢。
PSM3750相位增益分析儀 產品及配套產品于2013年6月正式對外發布.更多關于PSM3750的介紹請聯系我們13828757317
Setting the new standard for frequency response analyzers, this toolbox is every PSU designers soon to be most valuable instrument on the bench.
Stay tuned for much more info soon!
DC, 10mHz to 50 MHz Bandwidth | Fully Isolated Output |
0.02dB basic Accuracy | 0.005% phase Accuracy |
2 and 3 input option | High Voltage Isolated Inputs |
Fully floating Inputs | Versatile Interfaces |
Multi funktional Instrument | PC software included |
DC, 10mHz to 50 MHz Bandwidth | Fully Isolated Output |
0.02dB basic Accuracy? | 0.005% phase Accuracy? |
2 and 3 input option? | High Voltage?Isolated Inputs? |
Fully floating Inputs? | Versatile Interfaces? |
Multi funktional Instrument? | PC software included? |